Back in the summer of 2013, I was looking to upgrade my lowly 2013 Mazda 3i Grand Touring to a Mazdaspeed 3. Unfortunately, my wife was not happy about having to learn stick — and I don’t have the patience to teach her. Then a friend told me about the newly designed Mazda 3 coming out with the 2.5 motor. At the time, it wasn’t available, but the new 6 was promising. I decided to take the 6 for a test drive and fell in love. So began my CorkSport journey . . .
I love the way the Mazda 6 handles and how responsive the automatic transmission is, along with the beautiful interior. But there were things that bugged me that I wanted to fix. My goal was to have an “OEM+ ride” that was not radically different from stock but still improved on some of Mazda’s original design.
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