10 Shout Outs to Our Loyal CorkSport Fans

Today’s blog post is dedicated to 10 of our loyal CorkSport fans. Thank you for staying involved with the Mazda community and supporting CorkSport. You and your rad rides are greatly appreciated.

Adam Ractliffe

Adam Ractliffe

Angelo Fabozzi

Angelo Fabozzi

Butch Bender

Butch Bender

Matthew Mullard

Matthew Mullard

Michael Thomas

Michael Thomas

Sarah Elizabeth Gosheh

Sarah Elizabeth Gosheh

Sean Strout

Sean Strout

Steven Bowerly

Steven Bowerly

Tito Speed Monica Rivera

Tito Speed Monica Rivera

Xeterix Ungoch

Xeterix Ungoch


Share your ride using #CorkSport to see it featured by us. Happy driving!



2014 #CSselfie Contest Winners


It is finally time to announce the four winners of CorkSport’s very own #CSselfie photo contest!


Winners will receive:

1) One week with their selfie featured on CorkSport.com.
2) A CorkSport Schwag package, including: A copy of The Ultimate Mazda Performance Guide, one CorkSport Flexfit hat, a CorkSport license plate, a CorkSport 12″ sticker and a totally awesome CorkSport lanyard.


Are you ready?











Dalton Knox-02
Dustin Raney-02

Jennfier Cunha

Jonathon Lopez-02


Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2014 #CSselfie photo competition. Keep Your eyes peeled for more CorkSport photo ops and have an awesome day!

You can click through all of the #CSselfie entries in our #CSselfie album on our Facebook page. We’ll be updating it throughout the week with all of the 2014 CorkSport #CSselfie entries.


– Yours Truly,

CorkSport…. #ZoomZoom

YOUR Mazda, on Our Homepage. Enter the #CSselfie Photo Contest!


Want to win an awesome package of CorkSport schwag? Want to be featured on the homepage of CorkSport.com for an entire WEEK?

All you have to do is show us your #CSselfie!

Entering is super simple. Here’s how it works:

1) Snap a picture of yourself with your Mazda (Or inside. Or laying on top. You get the picture.).

2) Post your image to Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using #CSselfie.

3) Enter your email here & you’re all set!

Rather than choosing just one of you, we’re choosing FOUR winners at random who will receive the following:

1) One week with their selfie featured on CorkSport.com

2) CorkSport Schwag package, including:

The contest runs THIS WEEK ONLY, so be sure to enter by this Sunday, November 16th at midnight.

Still reading? Stop procrastinating and show us your #CSselfie!

We Want to Feature Your Mazda!

Love your Mazda? Chances are we will too!

We’re paying more attention that ever to our social media channels and couldn’t be more thrilled with our fans who cotninually share their Mazdas with us using #CorkSport.

With that in mind, we figure it’s about time we reward you guys (and gals) by showcasing your ride in front of our entire social community.

That’s a whole lotta’ eyes on your car and we’ll be sure to mention your name or social handle.

Every week we’ll select one user generated photo and feature it prominently on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+ like this:

Mazda speed 3














While we can only showcase one a week, we’ve also created a Facebook Photo Album appropriately titled, “Eye Candy from #CorkSport Fans,” that we’ll be continually adding submitted photos to as well.

Mazda Eye Candy











LIKE your favorites and share your ride with us using #CorkSport to have it featured here too!

One last note from our President, Rich, on submissions:

“No Scubs!”

2016 Diesel Mazdaspeed 3 Rumors

Is the Next Mazdaspeed already under our Noses?

We talk a lot about the next Mazdaspeed, will it be AWD, will it be FWD, will it be a 3? the 6? a 2? Though little is known or confirmed, I want to point out a few things we DO know as a fact.


Mazda has been working on their SkyActiv D engines for a few years. They have already shown their SkyActiv D engines, they even race them. What many people fail to realize it that the SkyActiv D runs in the Mazda 6 with a two-stage turbocharger.


The two-stage turbocharger gives you the best of both worlds, it will run a smaller turbo in the low RPM range in order to give you more power and cut emissions, then at higher RPM ranges it flips a lever and runs the bigger turbo to produce more power with no noticeable lag between the two. According to Mazda’s own website “SKYACTIV-D utilizes a two-stage turbocharger in which one small and one large turbo are selectively operated according to driving conditions.” (Source)


What else do we know? Well, Mazda has been actively racing the SkyActiv D engines in several endurance races. This is a mildly modified version of the SkyActiv D that is known to put down about 400hp.



So why would Mazda try and rework a new regular gas powered engine with a turbocharger for the next speed? Why not take the 400 hp Two-Stage turbo diesel that they already have, and pull a little power from it, and release it as a street legal vehicle?

More questions: Why has the SkyActiv D release been delayed? Is it emissions related? According to Mazda their engines pass with flying colors, no treatment necessary. So it can’t be that. In fact when the SkyActiv D was delayed Mazda spokesman Jeremy Barnes was quoted as saying: Skyactiv technology can meet it [emissions] — and it can — but the challenge is engineering a car that delivers the kind of performance that a Mazda needs to have and we’re unable to do that given where we are right now.”

Wait a minute. So what you are saying is that the 2.2L passes emissions, (source) but doesn’t have enough performance? If Mazda has already passed the emissions testing for the engine then why delay it. We know they have released it in the CX-5 in other markets, they even confirmed they will be releasing it in the Mazda 3 in Australia come September. (Source) Along with this the CX-5 has been selling in Japan at a rate of “four 2.2L SKYACTIV-D purchases for every one 2.0L SKYACTIV-G.” (Source) So why would they work on a turbo gasoline variant when the Diesels (which already have a turbo) are already clearly being sold at such a significantly greater rate? My answer? I don’t think they will.

So what’s the delay. My guess is that they plan on announcing the SkyActiv D release date at the same time as the performance oriented version, the Mazdaspeed SkyActiv D which may be a variant of the engine seen above. Even the SkyActiv D that is currently running in the CX-5 pushes 310 lb ft of torque and 173 hp. Still impressive, especially that torque! Imagine bumping the hp by even 100 and the torque would be incredible!

Last but not least, check out these two videos from Mazda that were released almost 2 years ago. Starting at minute 2 they say some interesting things.


“An exceptionally high redline or 5200rpm. When we were done we had created a beast … delivers the driving performance of a 4.0L V8.”

A 4.0L V8!!  Just do a quick google search for standard HP from common 4.0L V8s and you should be more than impressed with the results. Is this Mazda teasing us and we just failed to notice?

In the long run, whether we get a Mazdaspeed version of the SkyActiv D or not, I can’t wait until it hits our shores for good. Let’s hope it’s soon!


Until next Time,
