Dear Car Guy: Our Beginnings and Our Why

CorkSport HQ featuring the old CorkSport logo.
That old CorkSport logo is a blast from the past!

Dear Car Guy,

It’s been a bit. I hope you’re well and having a great time getting your baby ready for the summer weather!

Recently, I’ve been getting a lot of questions about why CorkSport sticks with the Mazda market. Some of these are more like comments, but really it seems like a continuous surprise to some that we find ourselves still innovating and providing for this market that we work in daily. The answer to this question was simpler than I expected to be once I gave it a good thinking over.

Mazda is in our blood. It’s who we are.

Where it all began

From the beginning, the founders of CorkSport were Mazda guys. They worked on their own cars with big dreams of racing and of building the biggest, baddest, most amazing Mazda parts around!

Yes, you’re welcome to giggle. I know I did when I went through some of these pics of our history.

When you’re a company in the early going, you take pride in some of the simplest things — like our first time in the Yellow Pages or CorkSport’s first blog. Or in something like our new website back in 2009. Or even when we finally got a banner in our window with the new logo.

CorkSport Yellow Pages ad.
CorkSport’s Yellow Pages premiere.

You should check out this blog about how we came up with our name and logo designs for some excellent throwback CorkSport information.

We love the Mazda community

CorkSport tent with old CorkSport logo.
We always love getting out and meeting more members of the Mazda community.

We’ve continuously stuck with the Mazda community due to their passion, support, and — of course — the NATOR Club! We’ve written about this in the past, and you can find a ton of blogs that reference this club, but here are a few of my favorites to check out if you’re interested.

Mazda community members working together.
What unites this group? The Mazda platform we all love.
  1. While we love you, Car Guys, we love our lady drivers, too. Find out what it means to be a Car Girl.

    A 2014 Nator event for the Mazda community.
    The community that plays together stays together.
  2. See what that NATOR life is all about with this recap of a great event a few years back in 2014.

We love our customers, we love our community, we love Mazdas. So why do we do what we do? What’s our reason why? It all comes down to you, Car Guy!

CorkSport’s reason why

We stay in the Mazda market, we continue to innovate, and we push ourselves — sometimes to the breaking point (yes, sometimes breaking cars, hearts, minds, and wills in our offices!) — in order to supply this amazing platform with great parts, awesome community, and realized dreams!

CorkSport's Mazda family.
Community is key. You’re our family. You’re our reason why.

It’s short, it’s sweet, and it’s our reason why: It’s all for you.

I almost wish it were more complicated than that.

Thanks for the support, Car Guy! Until next time …

Stay safe, stay fast, and stay happy, my friends!
