Dear Car…GIRL

Dear Car… Girl,

Recently our marketing team sent out a Dear Car Guy email newsletter, instead of just posting it in the blog like they normally do. Simple click, and apparently a larger number of people see my ridiculous antics/blog. End result… my inbox FLOODS!

Floods, I say for a reason. It was a flood of email replies, the majority of which merely stated:

“Dear Car Guy, I’m a Girl.”

So, of course the consensus was to write a reply… to you, Car Girl.

We’re a rare breed, Car Girls that is. There are many who claim to be purebred, but it’s like being Irish on St. Patty’s day… you either are, or you’re faking it for the attention. Either way, no one will call you out, and you’ll get through the night just fine, but it’s not entirely true.

Being a true Car Girl is a lifestyle. It shows up in random ways throughout our lives, and can be misinterpreted by those who just don’t get it.

1. We really want the driver seat.

A car girl always wants to be in the driver's seat. If she lets you drive, she must really like you.

If we are going on a date and we let him drive, we really (and I mean really) like him. However, one wrong move, or one boring ride, and it’s likely he’ll lose the privilege for quite some time. We don’t judge guys by their car… ok, yes, yes we do… but even more so the care they take of it. It’s not about the income, it’s about the attention to detail, organization, and cleanliness. (Speaking of: If the car is dirty, and we’re truly a car girl, we IMMEDIATELY KNOW he doesn’t have what it takes to take care of us.)

2. We’re not afraid to get dirty.

We may have control issues, this is probably where it stems from, but we would rather do it ourselves than have you do it for us. Which is why, whether we know how to fix it or not, we’re the ones handeling the tools (despite a recent $50 manicure). More likely, you’ll never get to be the ‘lead mechanic’ again, especially after we’ve seen you do it once or figured it out ourselves. “Thanks for the help, I know how to do it now…”

3. We’re in it for the community.

Us car girls need to stick together.

It’s not about what we look like, or if our car is the best. For a Car Girl, it’s about the people. We love our cars and will always take great care of them, but we go to install days, Nator meets, cars and coffee, or weekly Red Door meets for the people. We know you’ll love our car and of course we’ll talk crap about yours, but we’re there to hang out and talk cars. Not many people get us but once we’re hanging with our Car People, we remember where we belong.

4. We get offended by fake.

Guy OR Girl, if you’re faking it, we can spot you a mile away. So please, don’t spout off all the facts you randomly heard from a boyfriend you once had, or repeat an opinion that you read on a forum. We’ve read it as well and are more interested to hear what you’re learning, even if you’re a noob. Tell us about YOUR MODS, not what you watched your buddy or bf do last weekend. Own your knowledge, even if it’s limited, be real, and you’ll fit right in!

5. We’re pretty freaking protective.

We have our guys. NO, it’s not likely we’ll be dating any of them… EVER. However, when a new girl shows up on scene, don’t be surprised if your first impression of us is that we’re kind of bitchy. It’s a natural reflex. Waiting to find out if you’re a real Car Girl too, and if you are, you know the drill so be patient. We’ll probably end up best friends. If you’re not, we will only respect you after you’ve settled down into the group and picked just ONE of our guys to hang out with.

There's nothing quite like the bond between car people. We get each other, we understand each other, and we support each other.

We’ve seen girls come and go in the car scene. Like I said before, we’re a pretty rare breed and finding a purebred is like finding a unicorn.


Here’s to you, Car Girl! You’re a rare find, and we’re happy to know you!

Stay safe, stay fast, stay happy!


Dear Car Girl: You are noticed. You are appreciate. And you are pretty freaking awesome. From your fellow car girl, Kim.

Kim Russell-01

Flashback Friday: 6 Hilariously Classic Mazda Models

We can’t wait for our new Mazda MX-5. Every time more rumors surface about the next Mazdaspeed, all of us at CorkSport can hardly contain our excitement. Still: We appreciate nostalgia, and for all the performance updates that Mazda has made over the years, it’s still fun to reminisce on their past accomplishments.

For a small player in the industry, Mazda has released some incredible cars over the years. Some have evolved into the models we mod out today; some disappeared like dinosaurs. They’re gone, but not quite forgotten, at least not by true Mazda heads. These are six of our favorite Mazda models from the past.

1. The Mazda Mazdago

First vehicle manufactured by Mazda
Mazda Philippines

Is it a motorcycle? Or an ATV? Or a truck? Technically, the Mazdago was the first “autorickshaw,” but we remember it more as the first vehicle manufactured by Mazda.

2. The Mazda Savanna RX-3


Long live the rotary, right? We can’t wait for the new one, whenever that will be, but we love any shot from the rotary family. Given the Savanna’s huge success in the 70s, it won’t ever be forgotten, but it’s sadly rare to see one of these morsels on the road today.

3. The Mazda Titan


Not to be confused with the Nissan truck, this commercial behemoth actually lives up to its name. The boxy Mazda Titan is still around, and still not the prettiest truck on the road.

4. The Mazda Bongo


Technically, these sometimes trucks, sometimes vans remain in production—at least for a little while longer. It’s the photos of the first models, though, like the first gen pictured above, that catch our eye. The Mazda Bongo has never been a sleek van, but that’s OK when their main job is to be functional.

5. The Mazda REPU


This was not a popular truck. Known for guzzling gas, its appearance right before the 1970s gas crisis might have sealed its fate. The Mazda REPU was a lot faster than its competition, though, and we kind of love that it had a rotary engine.

6. The Mazda MX-3


The Mazda MX-3 died out the same year CorkSport was born, and we remember it for the performance modifications. The MX-3 was basically made for Mazda performance enhancement. If you see one on the road today, chances are someone’s been under the hood, installing a lot of upgrades.

Did we miss any? (Rhetorical question, people. Mazda has made a lot of cars.)




Could We Have a NEW Mazdaspeed This Year?

We’ve seen rumors about the next Mazdaspeed float around for the past two years on a consistent basis. The only thing more consistently seen is the question of when it will arrive.

This year?

Next year?

Next decade?


Recent reports have stated that the 2015 Frankfurt Auto show (which takes place in September) is going to have the concept of the all-new Mazdaspeed 3.

If so, this could be our first glimpse at the next generation of our favorite turbo Mazda! I wouldn’t hold your breath for too much info, though. Whether a new MS3 will debut or not, this will probably just be a concept car for eye candy. I would expect details on the car to be at least another year out.

In the meantime, we still believe the rumors that the next generation Mazdaspeed 3 should be soon. Stats like 300hp, AWD, hatchback, and a price tag of about $30,000-$35,000 get thrown around a lot. Mazda will probably use the 2.5L SkyActiv engine, which could be fantastic since that would mean placing a turbo on a current 2.5L SkyActiv would not only be possible, but hopefully relatively simple.

Let’s all hope for the best, and maybe we will see a concept and more info in September!

Stay Tuned!


*Prices reflect the current pricing at the time of the blog writing


The Mazda Sedan You Definitely Haven’t Heard Of

Who wants a small, practical, cheap, gas efficient car?

Everyone, right?

If that’s really true we will point you towards the new Mazda 2 that should be available in the USA in just a short amount of time. We think it’s a great-looking car that will be fun to drive and easy on the gas budget.


The problem with the Mazda 2, though, is that people seem to love sedans in the USA. Why? I’m not sure. The practicality of a hatchback seem to far outweigh any benefit (Maybe looks? Maybe?) of the sedan. Hatches have more storage room, more headroom, more trunk space, and get the same exact gas mileage usually. Nonetheless, we have proven again and again that we prefer sedans in America, so what do you do?

The answer is simple: Buy a Scion.

Buy a Scion? Really? Why would a Mazda performance parts company tell me to buy a Scion!?

Easy: The new Scion iA is actually just a Mazda 2 that is a sedan version and re-badged as a Scion. According to, “This iA is actually more Mazda than Toyota, based on Mazda’s SkyActiv platform and sharing a lot of its guts with the new Mazda 2.”

It sure looks like a small Mazda 3, and the fact that it will be badged Scion is a good thing! Not only does this mean that you can essentially buy a Mazda 2 Sedan that Mazda won’t be offering in the US officially, but it has two other aspects that we really like.

  • One, a partnership between Toyota/Scion and Mazda means that hopefully the iA can use all the same parts we develop for the Mazda 2. This means we should reach a new audience that wouldn’t typically be aware of our parts.
  • Two, a partnership between Toyota/Scion and Mazda means that Mazda should be selling more cars, even if it is under the name Scion and through a partnership. This means extra revenue and thus, more money to put toward cars like the next Mazdaspeed or Rotary. Mazda has always been a smaller player in the automotive world and so a partnership to get more people in a “Mazda” (even if they are buying it as a Scion) will benefit the brand overall and bring more money to them. This is a win-win we believe!

So keep an eye out! This could be one of the next big sellers, and you can be “in-the-know” that Mazda will be selling a Sedan Mazda 2 badged Scion.


Spencer  ABOUT_BLOG_Spencer


Fast Facts about the New #CorkSport Shirt

Look good while you drive good (and do other stuff good too) with our new #CorkSport hashtag t-shirt.

Standing in style with the new #CorkSport t-shirt

#CorkSport says a lot in one word: That you care about quality; that you’re passionate about Mazdas; and that power and speed are some of the most important things in life—or at least driving. So why not tell the world you’re a Mazda head with this shirt?

Available in white:

White CorkSport Shirt

….and black:

Black CorkSport T-shirt

…so you can look good before or after Labor Day.

Now, onto the nitty-gritty:

  • CorkSport Service & Support: The advantage of the CorkSport hashtag shirt is that it comes in two colors and multiple sizes. Choices, guys.
  • OEM Fitment: The shirts are a 60/40 cotton/poly mix.
  • Track-Tested: We have personally worn these shirts at the track, and they hold up great to working conditions and make you look good..
  • Dusting: There is no dusting under heavy performance with these shirt.
  • All-Weather Performance: If it is raining or snowing and you are wearing just this shirt you will get wet. Sorry folks it cannot do everything. Your hair will get wet too.
  • Hashtag Obligation: Using the CorkSport hashtag will not improve the comfort level of this shirt, but you should use it anyway.

Any other questions? All right, now go get yours.