Fuel Pump Comparison Part 4 (Bombs Away!)

We know by now that adding power to your Mazda is fairly straightforward up to a certain point. However, sooner or later, that hunger for power means you’re going to need to step up to a new fuel pump that can flow more fuel. By seeing that most of the fuel pumps on the market were largely the same, we decided to see what kind of innovations we could bring to the table. At this point we had learned volumes about the pumps on the market through our research and decided to engineer a new set of pump internals that focused on everything that we had learned.

Fuel pump testing

We know this is possibly the worst kept secret since Area 51, but we started engineering fuel pump internals over 2 years ago and we aim to show you why ours is worth the wait.

We didn’t just set out to make another pump; the market has plenty of those. We set out to make the best Mazda fuel pump upgrade on the market specifically for Mazdas from a company that ONLY makes parts for Mazdas.

We started by researching many different technologies and engineering ideas in the pressure ranges experienced in these fuel pumps. We purchased every kit on the market and a brand new replacement from Mazda to test. The results from some of those tests can be found here (Link to blogs 1,2, and 3). After agreeing that 9.8mm was the maximum size we could attempt for the piston without making the sleeve wall too thin, we could start engineering the rest of the part.

We then built all the internals available in SolidWorks and tested the efficiency of them all for flow design and volume. This was merely the beginning of our design phase but helped us realize many great ideas (as well as a few not so great ones). We ended up with a design unlike any other on the market that, according to the data, would be more efficient than anything on the market.

Fuel pump piston

With the increase in flow and efficiency we knew that our design could also benefit from a stiffer spring rate for the pump. That would enable higher RPM’s and improved cam wear over the life of the pump. Since we would be flowing more, the pressure on the pump would be greater than ever, the stiffer spring was just good insurance to get the power we needed even past the stock redline.

CorkSport Fuel Pump Internals

During our testing we also discovered the keeper assembly used by the factory is no accident. Many of the other pumps on the market use a keeper system similar to an intake or exhaust valve. This style does a fantastic job of locking the piston in place, but creates a few issues of its own. Because of the flow of fuel, the piston rides one side of the sleeve more than the other; over time, this will wear more into the piston which will affect clearances and efficiency. To prevent this, the factory style keeper allows the piston to spin as the spring moves up and down. That led us to choose the factory style retainer. We didn’t want to guess on either design without proof of our theory so we produced samples of both styles to prove wear differences and address installation challenges related to both styles.

Now that the cat is out of the bag, we’ll have just one more fuel pump blog next week with a very exciting limited offer. Stay tuned as CorkSport is about to take Mazda performance one step higher!

Bring your 2014 Mazda 3 to Life with CORKSPORT

The Mazda 3 Parts Domination Starts Now!!!

The 2014 Mazda 3 has only been on our shores for a few weeks and already CorkSport is cranking out parts for it. Today we are proud to announce the release of two new parts that will really bring out the best in your Mazda 3.


If you have a new 2014 Mazda 3 you probably love the interior as much as we do. From the optional heads-up display, the new stereo, info, and navigation system, to the sporty seats, it seems Mazda really listened to those asking for a high class interior. The interior lighting looks just a little old fashioned. Luckily with some easy to install LEDs from the CORKSPORT LED Light Kit for 2014+ Mazda 3 you can replace the  incandescent and yellow bulbs with the nice white light of LEDs.

The CorkSport LED Light Kit for 2014+ Mazda 3 is available now for $42.99

To purchase the Kit, or find out more, click the link: https://www.corksport.com/corksport-led-light-kit-for-2014-mazda-3.html


A fancy looking interior isn’t all we care about at CorkSport. We love power! The Mazda 3 is an amazingly fun to drive vehicle. Many say it channels the feel of some of the best handling Mazdas to date. As much as we love the handling and cornering ability, we also want to maximize the power from this high compression engine. With that in mind we have designed our popular Power Series Short Ram Intake for the 2014+ Mazda 3.


One of the easiest and most beneficial performance enhancements you can do for your vehicle, the CorkSport Power Series Short Ram Intake replaces your factory airbox with an open intake system allowing more air into the intake chamber. Engineered with exacting tolerances, the CorkSport SkyActiv Short Ram Intake includes our precision machined MAF housing made from billet aluminum, a durable dry flow air filter and custom reinforced silicone connector. In initial testing with the 2.0 Liter SkyActiv engine, the CorkSport Short Ram Intake netted peak gains of +5 HP and +6 lb torque at the wheels. For all you with the big 2.5L fear not, our intake for that engine will release soon!!!

Available for the 2.0 Liter SkyActiv Engine Here: https://www.corksport.com/corksport-2014-mazda-3-skyactiv-power-series-short-ram-intake.html


Veterans Helping Veterans With Mazdas

Our very own CorkSport sponsored driver Matt Kellogg was featured in the news in his home state of Texas for his help with honoring wounded warriors. We’ve known for a while how special Matt is and we think it’s fantastic that he is getting some more exposure for his cause. But enough of our bragging about him, check out the video below and get just a glimpse of what we’ve seen from him.

Thanks again to Matt for his service to his country and to others in need!

Are there marshmallows at your work?

Do You Love Your Job?

(We are always on the lookout for awesome people)

People spend a large majority of their time at work. Yet they don’t like to work, don’t like where they work, or simply don’t like who they work with.

Here at CorkSport we make building our company culture an intentional part of our work day. We deal with team building, interpersonal relationships, personal development, and company values on a daily basis. We ask all our people to look into the future, challenge their intellect, and strive to be the best version of themself they can possibly be.

CorkSport at Red Door Meet


We live by our company values and seek continuous growth in these areas, as a company, and as individuals.

  • Pursue personal growth and learning

  • Be honest, ethical, and fair

  • WOW our customers, friends, and family

  • Never accept the status quo. Drive change.

  • Reach for excellence


Time and time again I hear from customers about how great our customer service is, or how wonderful it was to do business with us. That experience is because we live the above stated values. Our team is made up of some of the most amazing people. I am proud to know them. The character, integrity, and overall drive to better who CorkSport is, is nothing short of inspiring.

CorkSport High Flow Panel Filter

Sounds great right?! Yeah, I’ll just let you be a little bit jealous for a second, and then let you in on a little secret as to why.

It’s How We Hire

Getting hired on at CorkSport is no easy feat. We have what I will refer to as an extremely extensive and intimidating hiring process which is used to weed out the uninspired, the un-motivated, and the ethically questionable. It allows for the level headed, customer focused, and driven to rise to the top. Our hiring team does a great job of looking through the smokescreen and seeing a person for who they are and what they can be.

Start by turning in an application, if you’re qualified for the position; be prepared for a pretty intense follow up. After many hours of work and interviews of the top candidates, an additional 4 hours is spent with each of the top 5, then, still another hour with the president before the selection is made. You then get introduced to all that is CorkSport.

The CS founders

We realize that by adding someone new to the team, we’re adding them to the dream as well. We all share a vision, a dream, a goal for what CorkSport will be. Those dreams are made possible by our amazing customers. We hire passionate, driven and customer service focused individuals for a reason. That reason is you!

(p.s. the marshmellows question is because we play chubby bunny here!”

All the best,


CorkSport in the Blood!!!

Our own sponsored driver Matt Kellogg sent us a Top 5 list of the reasons he loves being sponsored by CorkSport and we wanted to share those with you because Matt started out much like many of you and has grown to be a true part of our family here at CorkSport.

CorkSport Sponsored Driver Matt Kellogg

Top 5 Reasons Why I love Being a Corksport Sponsored Driver

By: Matt Kellogg

  1.  It’s a passion of mine….import cars. To sum it up in a simple write-up or blog post is literally impossible. There are very few things in life that strike me the way import cars have. I have had my fleeting moments with various hobbies and some of them have stayed with me through the years while others have passed quietly by the wayside. Passion is what drives anyone to do what they do with fervor….this is my #1 reason for enjoying being a CS driver.
  2. Art. You may say to yourself; “Art? Why would art have anything to do with this?” Easy! Art is in everything, but many do not see it nor realize it. Art is in the way we see the aesthetic aspects as good or horrible. Art is the way we drive our vehicles, a style if you will. Art is also in manufacturing and quality or such. Art in my instance is from birth and has played a major role in how I see the world and how I see what fits, and what doesn’t, this has given me the skills I have today and the future ones that I will continue to hone and learn.
  3. Love of the sport. Same as “love of the game” for an athlete. Being a sponsored driver is much like being a sponsored athlete. How you handle yourself and your car not only reflects on you but the sponsor and all prospective customers and fans past, present and future. Loving what you do and caring about those who give you their helping hand to do it is a very important part of being an enthusiast and standing apart from the paper tigers of this ball we all spin on.
  4. Dedication with reward. By this I mean, I am dedicated, sponsored or not when I find a company who not only cares about the customer, but cares as much for quality and dynamic release of great products I am excited and feel like a kid with a lollypop! Dedication is not only my goal and the key to success the company you work for, are sponsored by or just plain buy your products from must have a positive attitude to the sport, art, love and dedication aspects of it all. Without dedication we are mere lemmings marching to our cliffs.
  5. The best part of being a CorkSport sponsored driver is the fact that my pride in what I do to my car is rewarded with the pride of CorkSport by taking the time to see me out here in the ocean of other drivers and see that I am dedicated to the sport, and always striving to do better and achieve higher standards with my vehicle. Much the same as CorkSport does on a daily basis. Thank you for reading my snapshot of what it means to me to be a Corksport driver!

CorkSport Sponsored Driver