M-TH 9A-11:30/12:30-5P | F-SU CLOSED
It will take you Approx. 2 hour to install.
2 hour Install Time
2/5 Difficulty
2-Year Warranty
Will this fit 2010-2013 mazda3s non skyactiv?
Technically yes, but the hose routing and can mounting point may need to be altered.
A few questions, First, is the can effective enough as to eliminate periodic manual cleaning of the valves? Second, I live in central New England where the winter temps are pretty much always below freezing at night and getting below zero at least several times over the course of the winter. Most days are in the 20s- 30s. Is there an issue witch the can and or lines freezing up and causing a blockage thus causing crankcase pressure to build excessively, potentially blowing out gaskets and crank seals which would obviously be very bad. Should the can be disconnected during the winter? While the can wouldn't be removing anything would the water vapor from condensation (I would imagine there would be more of it in the winter), that goes by the valves potentially act as a carbon remover somewhat counteracting the build up from oil vapor? Lastly, what does the intake resonator do and does removing completely cause any negative affects? It must have some relatively important function given Mazda installed one.? Thanks.
The OCC will help out with lowering the amount of accumulation of carbon/oil in the intake manifold and on the valves. At some point you will need to get the intake valves cleaned but this lowers the frequency. As long as you do not allow the OCC to fill up you should be fine. The intake resonator is used to quiet the intake sound of the engine.
Will this fit on a 2013 2.0L CX-5?
This kit https://corksport.com/mazda-3-and-6-oil-catch-can-kit.html will work better.
Will you be offering a kit for the 2014 Mazda3 2.5L Skyactiv?
I like the idea of this. I like the fact that it catches all the condensation in the lines, and blow by oil. Which is definitively bad for your motor. How does this stop the blow by gas from recirculating into the engine? Almost seems better to do it the old fashion way, vent crank case to air, and hook lines from the intake to valve covers. That way... even though captain planet will come kick you in the sensitive bits, it achieves what this can does, and more. You just apply a small oil drop every few miles to the road.
Anything that weighs more than air would filter through the can and drop into the lower section to be removed. The gases will still recirculate but most particles of dirt/carbon/etc that comes with the air should get removed.
Do you have a chart or diagram of this? Really considering purchasing this, because I know how bad it is for the engine to burn oil, blow by gas, and any particles that come with it. Just want to make sure there's evidence before I pony up 200 for this can. CS reply: Here is an older blog with info on how it works. The design has changed but the inner workings of the can are the same: http://www.corksport.com/blog/product-release-corksport-oil-catch-can-development-and-release-notes/
What is the ID and OD of the provided hose? How durable is the hose, and will it ever need to be replaced?
The hose should last a solid 10-20 years. The hose is 14mm ID.
Is the included mounting bracket and hose compatible with 2014 Mazda 3 2.5L Skyactivs? Thanks
The mounting bracket and hose are not setup for a 2014 Mazda 3.
Is this catch can compatible with '10-'11 Mazda 3s hatchback models? Are the directions the same?
You could use it on a 2010 or 2011 but the instructions are different and you might require minor modification and/or some small T pieces.
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