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Vancouver, WA


M-TH 9A-5P | F 9A-12P | SA-SU CLOSED

Product Ideas

Nearly all our products start out as customer ideas!

Please take the time to let us know what you'd like to see for your car. We'll be sure to let you know if we can develop the idea. We may even get you involved in the product development process if you want.

Send us one new submission for EACH idea you have.

And finally! Please review the CONDITIONS OF SUBMISSION. This legal stuff is important!

PRODUCT INFORMATION: The information below is key to understanding how we develop the product to meet your needs.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: To find out more about the kind of customer that would want this product, tell us a bit more about yourself.

I wish to submit a suggestion to CorkSport (the “Company”). In consideration of the Company's review of the suggestion, I agree to all of the CONDITIONS OF SUBMISSION set forth. The suggestion, idea or invention covered by this form is my own and I have the right to submit it to CorkSport; or the owner of this suggestion, idea or invention has granted me the right to make this submission to CorkSport under the CONDITIONS OF SUBMISSION set forth in the document linked at the top of this page.