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Versatuner and Mazdaedit Tactrix OBDII Passthrough Adapter

Price: $169.99
Price in points:  What are Points? 170 points
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A reasonably priced universal adapter for ECU diagnostics and programming via J2534 protocol. The adapter pinout is completely unified with that of ELM327 adapters.

For use with Versatune and Mazdaedit

Product Advisory Note
  • The drivers for the Tactrix OBDII adapter are found at
  • This is a tactrix style adapter not a SX link type.
I use this adapter for both VersaTune and MazdaEdit, it works great on both! We use it for our CorkSport Turbo kit with Mazda edit, and our 4th gen we have Versatune, we havenā€™t had any kind of issue with it as well!
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can you use this to tune a mazda 3 2006 2.0L?

Asked by Ricardo  | 05/19/2024, 08:16 AM | 1 answer(s)

The drivers for the OBDII adapter are found at This is a tactrix style adapter not a SX link type.

Asked by Robert Smith | 12/19/2023, 06:20 AM | 0 answer(s)
Mazda performance parts financing is available with CorkSport

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Drivers are found at this link