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We are proud to introduce the CorkSport Throttle Body Gasket for the Mazdaspeed 3 and Mazdaspeed 6! We worked with Cometic to develop a gasket that is a perfect replacement for an OEM gasket, no matter if you are running full OEM components or an upgraded intake manifold and throttle body. Using Cometic’s Aluminum Foamette Material (AFM) in 0.060” thickness, we were able to create a gasket that seals more reliably than OEM, and can be reused. If you’re looking for a replacement for your OEM gasket or want to be sure your Throttle Body seals well, read on for full details on the CS Throttle Body Gasket.#ZoomZoom!
The material of the CorkSport Throttle Body Gasket was carefully chosen to be the best fit for your Mazdaspeed. We worked closely with Cometic to find a material that will stand up to all the abuse your DISI MZR has to throw at it. We chose Cometic’s Aluminum Foamette Material (AFM). This material incorporates an aluminum core with a synthetic nitrile rubber coating. In testing we have found this material to be fantastic at sealing, reusable, resistant to fuels and oils. All of this means a reliable seal for your throttle body with minimal chance for vacuum/boost leaks.
The CorkSport TB Gasket is designed to work best with upgraded throttle bodies and intake manifolds. The opening of the CS TB Gasket is oversized to not impede flow with the CS Throttle Body and/or CS intake manifold giving your boosted air a straight shot directly into your intake manifold. In addition, the coating on the CS TB gasket is thermal insulating to help reduce heat transfer between your IM and TB. This keeps your charge air just that little bit cooler, keeping your engine healthy and making good power.
It will take you one hour to install the CorkSport Throttle Body Gasket with our easy-to-use instructions.
30 Minute Install Time
1/5 Difficulty
2-Year Warranty
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2007-2013 Mazdaspeed 3
2007-2013 MPS 3
2006-2007 Mazdaspeed 6
2005-2007 MPS 6
2007-2012 Cx7 Turbo
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