Are there marshmallows at your work?

Do You Love Your Job?

(We are always on the lookout for awesome people)

People spend a large majority of their time at work. Yet they don’t like to work, don’t like where they work, or simply don’t like who they work with.

Here at CorkSport we make building our company culture an intentional part of our work day. We deal with team building, interpersonal relationships, personal development, and company values on a daily basis. We ask all our people to look into the future, challenge their intellect, and strive to be the best version of themself they can possibly be.


We live by our company values and seek continuous growth in these areas, as a company, and as individuals.

  • Pursue personal growth and learning

  • Be honest, ethical, and fair

  • WOW our customers, friends, and family

  • Never accept the status quo. Drive change.

  • Reach for excellence


Time and time again I hear from customers about how great our customer service is, or how wonderful it was to do business with us. That experience is because we live the above stated values. Our team is made up of some of the most amazing people. I am proud to know them. The character, integrity, and overall drive to better who CorkSport is, is nothing short of inspiring.

Sounds great right?! Yeah, I’ll just let you be a little bit jealous for a second, and then let you in on a little secret as to why.

It’s How We Hire

Getting hired on at CorkSport is no easy feat. We have what I will refer to as an extremely extensive and intimidating hiring process which is used to weed out the uninspired, the un-motivated, and the ethically questionable. It allows for the level headed, customer focused, and driven to rise to the top. Our hiring team does a great job of looking through the smokescreen and seeing a person for who they are and what they can be.

Start by turning in an application, if you’re qualified for the position; be prepared for a pretty intense follow up. After many hours of work and interviews of the top candidates, an additional 4 hours is spent with each of the top 5, then, still another hour with the president before the selection is made. You then get introduced to all that is CorkSport.

We realize that by adding someone new to the team, we’re adding them to the dream as well. We all share a vision, a dream, a goal for what CorkSport will be. Those dreams are made possible by our amazing customers. We hire passionate, driven and customer service focused individuals for a reason. That reason is you!

(p.s. the marshmellows question is because we play chubby bunny here!”

All the best,


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