All the 2016 Mazda MX5 Renderings We Can Find

Renderings, Concepts, Images and Rumors about the Next MX5

Mazda recently released an official image of the next 2016 Mazda MX-5 Miata. Sadly, it is blanketed. So though we can tell the overall shape of the car (spoiler alert, it looks like a car) we can’t see much else. What we can do though is speculate.

Here is the official Mazda image:



Now, though we all probably want a fancy, blanket draped MX-5, I have a feeling that some of us plan to actually drive it, and not keep it under wraps in our garage. So, I decided to pull from the web some next generatino renderings of the MX-5. Which one do you think most resembles Mazda’s official image?










If you forgot, make sure to head over and check out the first and only shots of the Camoflouge 2016 Miata here: https://www.corksport.com/blog/2015-2016-mazda-miata-mx5-spy-shots/

But, moving on. If you’ve had enough of renderings, let’s check out the engine. This shot of an engine bay is supposedly from a source that found the little Miata mule at a port on the west coast months ago. The big news here is that it’s a turbo. The question, is if this is going in the Miata for real, or if it’s going in the Fiat/Alfa since Mazda has partnered with them. (source)


So, though we leave you today with nothing but more rumors and speculation, we again see some pretty solid evidence of a good looking, and possibly turbocharged, 2016 MX5 Miata.

Oh, and don’t forget this video from Mazda.

(P.S. do you hear a turbo?)


Until Next Time


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