A New Toy for CorkSport

As we continue to ramp up our CorkSport product line, we have been making some changes to our internal processes to increase delivery time and refine the look and design of the CorkSport brand of products. The latest investment we made is the Epilog Mini 24 Laser etching machine. Why, do you ask, would we get one of these? The laser etcher has a combination of flying-optic design and the highest quality engraving results. This provides a precise etch on a variety of materials and allows us to give you a larger selection of CorkSport logoed products with the highest quality results and precise imaging.

For example, we were originally having our MAF housings for the SRI intake machined, anodized, and then machined again for the logos. This increased the manufacturing time making it more difficult to keep it in stock and available for immediate delivery. Once we made the switch to etching our logo onto the MAF housings with the new laser etching machine, it sped up the time it took to manufacture, which meant keeping more in stock and reducing backorders and delivery times.

We also began using the machine to laser etch our logo onto the CorkSport Mud Flaps. Now, rather than applying a vinyl logo, we are able to offer the mud flaps with a durable etched logo that has a superior look that will never rub off. You can pressure wash our mud flaps without any worry of damaging the logos.

On a side note, if you want to have a custom set of logoed mud flaps made, contact Chris and he can hook you up with that.

Now that we have more flexibility with our branding process, if you have an idea of something that you would like to see branded, let us know!


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